Day 6
Saying Goodbye





Noel is fixing the final breakfast while the rest of us caught some extra shuteye. The beautiful sunrise portends a change in weather. Up to now the weather for the rally has been absolutely beautiful, with plenty of sunshine and blue skies. As the final breakfast ended, the rain started to come and it really poured. Our rally masters did a great job of delivering good weather for the rally; now we will the price for it. (photo courtesy of Dick McGarrity.)



When we got up in the morning we weren't sure where the final rally breakfast was to be held. But it didn't take long to find out. Seeing a bunch of people standing around talking was a pretty good tip off.




This was the final day of the rally, with people heading off right after breakfast. So it was a time for saying goodbye and wishing safe travels.




In this rally we have renewed old friendships and made new friends. It has been a great time for all.



About a third of the people are continuing on in a "oosey-goosey" extension to see more of the upper peninsula. I guess we like traveling together so much that we don't want to stop.



We noticed that, as we traveled north, we were seeing more color change in the trees. Our "loosey-goosey" extension should allow us to see even more of the fall colors.